“If you’re feeling out of kilter, don’t know why or what about. Let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out.”

What is Reflexology?


Reflexology is a science based on the principles that there are reflex areas on the feet and hands corresponding to all glands, organs, and systems within the body. This practice is achieved by a unique method using the thumb and fingers of the practitioner by applying pressure to these specific points on the feet and hands. It is safe and simple, yet very effective. 

Reflexology was practiced many centuries ago, as far back as 2330 B.C.E by the Ancient Egyptians. The practice has been studied and researched for many years, and was thus developed by Eunice D. Ingham and her nephew Dwight C. Byers.

For anyone who would like a more in-depth understanding of Reflexology, I recommend two books: Stories The Feet Can Tell and Stories The Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology, both written by Eunice D. Ingham. Both are very powerful reads!

Reflexology Benefits:

  • Releases tension and stress.

  • Promotes blood flow and circulation by unblocking nerve impulses.

  • Ultimately brings the body into Homeostasis – a state of BALANCE.