“You are as young as your spine is supple.”

-Joseph Pilates


What Is Pilates?



Pilates, a physical fitness method created by the late Joseph Pilates, is a mind-body exercise system designed to optimize physical fitness for people in every level of physical activity. This modality provides a series of exercises that help with overall stability as well as flexibility. For every stretch, there is strength within each exercise.

The focus on connecting breath, pelvis, ribs, and scapula allows the mind to draw its energy from its center. Consider this simple mantra:

               Our Core- Our Breath -Our State of Being

 The apparatus that is used to optimize these goals provides feedback through the resistance of the springs. For every stretch, there is a strength that is achieved by resisting the springs; two essential movements to keep the muscles supple, yet strong.

Benefits Include:

  • Breath Endurance

  • Balance Stability

  • Fascial Fitness and Spinal Rehabilitation

  • Rebalancing muscles around the joints.